March 8, 2022
Dralen and Axin
Millions of years ago, at a time that cannot be remembered precisely when, Dralen formed. From thoughts of despair and pain this monster was created, building momentum and power with each victim that it took. Its presence of dark clouds is only felt, but not seen by the human eye, for the form it takes is meant to deceive. It lurks in the air of society, waiting for only the most vulnerable people to come. Dralen then seeps into that person’s head, so slowly that it goes undetected. Here, the monster makes a home for itself and invites its closest friend to stay, Axin. Together, these two challenge their victim in an all-powerful way, gradually overtaking their brain until there is nothing left that resembles who they were before. What they loved to do, who they loved to be with, and any passions are all gone. Axin whispers the most fraudulent and disturbing comments to the person, however, it goes unnoticed since he was already within their mind. Simultaneously, Dralen begins to make itself heavier, only an ounce everyday, but eventually laying pounds of weight on its host. People captured by these monsters are able to sense their presence only when two ounces is suddenly ten pounds and when Axin slips up and tells a lie that is overwhelmingly false. At this moment is when the monsters do everything in their will to remain attached to its victim and secrete. Dralen and Axin combine into one voice that echoes isolation into the mind of the person, that is, to contain themselves.
The victim walks through life everyday with these monsters inside their head but no one on the outside notices. No one is able to see the depths of loneliness that Dralen and Axin have created within this person. The monsters pull their victim out of their former life, making them leave all of their people and remain in a shelter within their house. The person knows they don’t want to live this way but Dralen and Axin convince them that it’s what is best for them and the people around them. These monsters convince the person to give up their life in order to survive within their brain.