December 6, 2023
Waking in Darkness
The day is grim
the sun pretends to shine
when it wants nothing more than to rest.
Maybe it is shining but
I am wearing gray-tinted glasses.
Outside the light hits the little
skin that is exposed
I have forgotten the warmth of nature
that fills me when I cannot myself
the light burns through gray-tinted glasses
yet cannot fully break through.
Smoke fills my lungs as a substitute
for joy unable to be felt
the joy that has been robbed from me
but no one calls the cops when they see
someone breaking and entering in
my heart and my soul and my mind.
The depths of eye bags hold
pain and helplessness.
In the mirror I ask
does this body love?
There is no answer of course
just eyes disguised
as broken glass
haunting the space and
staring back at me.
My lips crack to reveal
self-inflicted teeth shaped cuts
from biting with some unknown mission
if I do this long enough
will things get better?
I am broken
and afraid
of everything.