March 22, 2023
Mom: My Safe Haven
I want to go home
I miss my mom
I need her to hold all the broken pieces in me
As I fear that I will lose them altogether
If they fall out
I miss my mom
I miss her laugh
Her love
Her straight-forward, no bullshit attitude
I used to have that
I want it back
Maybe she can teach me how to have that again
I need my mom
I need her to hold me while I cry
And feel the warmth of her hands on my head
On my cheek as she wipes tears off of my face
On my cheeks as she pulls my face to look me in the eyes
I want my mom’s eyes
She has a way of saying exactly what she needs to with them
So much love, anger, and worry is stored
I don’t want to watch her eyes hurt because of me
I know it wasn’t my fault
And I know this has happened to her
She has hinted at it far too many times
She warned me
She warned me so many times
I listened
Or at least I thought I listened
I love her so much
This would break her
I don’t want this shared experience with her
And I know she’ll think the same
Her child, her baby
Hurt in one of the worst ways possible
I know it wasn’t my fault
I think
I wish I didn’t have to say it
I want to tell her but I don’t think I can say that word
All I want is her love and support
But I love her too much to do this to her
I can’t break her
I won’t
I should’ve known better
She told me
She warned me
She told me what to do
She told me the horror stories
She taught me about consent
She taught me about safe sex
She warned me about this
I feel as though I failed her test
I failed the universe’s test
Fuck, I even failed that guy’s test
I let him get away with it
Because of me more people will get hurt
All because I didn’t say anything
I could’ve
I wanted to
But I was frozen
Unable to speak
Can my mom fix this?
I miss her so much.