April 1, 2020
Reality in a Fight
It’s like there’s a burning feeling in the words we speak
Almost as if I took a shot, it stings my throat
Not only the words spoken but how they are said
That’s what gets me the most.
I hold my pillow as I tell him I’m okay
I promise nothing is wrong to avoid another fight
Not sure why I would break a promise like that but I did
Maybe for us, if that’s what I was trying to do.
But he knows
I know
The tension remains
The stress builds.
The words “I’m fine” or “I’m okay” just slip out of my mouth now
Automatically they’re spoken
Not spoken from my heart but from my mind.
My mind doesn’t want to fight
Doesn’t want to break my heart anymore
Yet lying to him
Creating the distance
Losing him
Is what breaks my heart the most.
Why can’t I communicate with him?
Because I have before
Because I have tried
Because I have spoken my truth but he didn’t care to listen
No, that’s a reality I don’t want to see
Maybe that’s why I can’t;
To have fleeting hope that he was listening
He does care
He just forgot or didn’t know what I meant
But what happens if it’s unlike that?
What do I do then?